
beats by dre pro without the aid of

Chapter 380 Ji vast sky of terrible counter-attack
Heart unfamiliar mainland.The real strenght of the demon is more strong.Intelligence also more come to say.The vitality is good enough to match in excellence the gossip the private's demon to have already known how to make use of geography and make use of his/her own advantage to deal with an enemy for sky and also know an ambient basic stratagem.
The strong vitality may compare nine of the demon of territory, almost each ones all evolve of as if the mankind are general, this is very strange, a more strong demon, and the body figure is on the contrary more thin to more and more be like mankind.
Probably, person come of the arms and legs and intelligence is the ultimate end target of demon dream, but those and mankind already the demon of very likeness, usually all strong.And still have wise.
This unfamiliar mainland, may compare the demon of nine temple private's vitalities in the sky to have about 100, the outline of this amount compares five lines of majority of decuples in mainland.
However, when the poisonous origin and these demons engages, but it discovers although the vitality of these demons may match in excellence seven the star private in the sky and gossip private in the sky, however the real strenght of these demons, not exactly more severe than similar strong sky of private of vitality.
Of so so, is because these demon although the evil hair that can make use of this mainland, up still lack at the using of evil spirit technique too many, these demons can not be like private in the sky and release strength can not form mature technique and various secret in varied way.
Private in the sky of five lines of mainlands, generation generation ground tradition so several years, generation generation ground to deeply beg for the usage method of delving into this dint, have already formed various parties of flowings, all study for many techniques very clear.
But demon after all just demon, the intelligence is still limited of, real such as that similar strong and have the wise demon of not inferior to mankind.Is after all just minority of, but this type of demon that rarely count, again all flashy.Usually just appearing isn't much long, the meeting was sent to come over to carry out mission of ex- few Xuan Yuans to destroy completely.
Because this reason, the demon Hui's usage toward evil spirit, didn't form a set of technique of maturity, front of the demon comprehend of some usages of evil spirits, along with those strong demon of be killed.Almost all disappearances.
The poisonous origin saw the weakness of these demons, this a period of time , welled after making used of, tooked Ji vast sky to continuously once hid those making track for of demon shot, also comply with the surrounding to give° some demons of lower classes to poison to death.Kept intact the life of Ji vast sky.
"Is all empty, do you really have confidence?To don't continue to wait a period of time my felling arrives, this time, also however only 5 that kind of has nine temple demon with violent private's vitalities in the sky to come over, although is possible to be a little bit more dangerous, I think that I should still can cope with of come of, all empty, current of you, really want three wars?"The poisonous origin sees an of the air of Ji vast sky is a bit weird, cannot help but asking a way.
The Ji vast sky facial expression is really a bit not in the right, before fighting approach, his forehead emits sweat, the facial expression is also some pale, the body unexpectedly has some the dither of Se Se, this and he in normal times in of the performance is as different as chalk and cheese.
"Have no, " is all right, different from what you thought, the Jing of those stars in the acupuncture pointses, after all didn't°yet thoroughly the chain is deeply.Adjust to use strengths in it, however is some aches just."The Ji vast sky forehead sweat vestige presents and bite a tooth explanation way.
What ache, absolutely is hurt to the marrow!
Those are stored by him the Jing of the stars in the acupuncture points inside the body, motionless use of time safe and sound.Can't result in to the acupuncture points in his body what kind of influence, however, once he wanted to use the Jing of those stars in the acupuncture pointses, those coagulations narrowed the Jing of several 10000 times Yan Chens, the meeting,such as similar steel needle, shake up in his acupuncture points.
Consider, the steel needle is disorderly in the acupuncture points sting, and a while still more than 200 acupuncture pointses spread this kind of ache together, thus painful.The Ji vast sky has never cannot helped but falling on the ground to roar, is already endure patiently dint Be getting more astonishing.
The poisonous"the strength that motionless uses acupuncture points doesn't go Hua" origin sees Ji vast sky of pain and sufferings, unbearable Ran way.
Shook to shake head, unwillingly extrude to a wry smile, Ji vast sky way:"In this unfamiliar mainland, there is no world vitality to be used, I dollar in the mustard seed bag stone already all exhaustions, the strength exhaustion penny in the body is a penny, I only make use of the Jing of the stars in the body, just can with most quickly speed to come together a sky to should of the dint of the stars, this probably will be a little bit painful, but can let I with most quickly the speed obtain strength."
Before have been being occupied in self-discipline, his mentality and dollar the dint all expended a lot, current of he, not just the best status, have to use the dint of stars on the sky to resume.
Good at Ji vast sky a lot of year agos always self-discipline extreme limit Cui body**, that extreme limit database body**it may be said is a kind of uncanny occult art that tramples upon by one's own.Self-discipline this kind of occult art rises from the Ji vast sky, although the progress is quick, also often at living with dead of the edge bear with side the person is hard to bear with of pain and sufferings.
Is exactly also pain and sufferings being absolutely hard to bear with this kind of ordinary people, just develop of Ji vast sky nerve tough and resilient pole.Almost what kind of pain and sufferings all once bore.
Changed ordinary people, more than 200 acupuncture pointses inside the body spread pain and sufferings of such fieriness together, probably right away fainted to die in the past, can not keep awake status to keep on continuing at all, but the Ji vast sky completely bore with down, with lend the tenacity of that firm and unyielding, simply crest past.In the origin of poisonously eye under, the whole body cold sweat keeps emitting, Se Se shiver of Ji vast sky, the spirit field on the body starts quick strengthen, order to can see without the aid of instruments of starlight from cover with of stars on fly Yi down, falling into in succession the body of Ji vast sky is concealed don't disappear, in this kind of stars of under the strength, although the Ji vast sky is similar all over shiver.The facial expression that is pale but gradually rosy get up.
Suddenly, five, with mankind's some demons of likenesses, appear one by one, these are five, the demons all have to compare nine temple private in the sky's strong vitality, at them there are also several hundred demons after death, these demons also aren't all role that easily deals with, each vitality is sturdy.
The Ji vast sky all over still shivered, eyes in suddenly explode the murderous look of the pole of projecting the cold Lie.Just for an instant, that puts out a life time boxing the set have already up overalied at the his left hand arm and originally seem to be the cold sweat keeps emitting of Ji vast sky, suddenly hurtle to go out.
The starlight that is faintly discernable a bunch of to tie came out from his whole body more than 200 acupuncture pointses, the star there was a Chinese foot first long, the finger is thick thin, this a moment, the Ji vast sky imitated a Buddha to become a hedgehog.
The first,such as fish, generally and all over the demon of scales and shell, bomb however hurtle, this demon triangle head, the body is two meters high, the body surface is some yellow of turn a liquid, on coming over, it that eye in ejaculated the black lightning that the evil spirit coagulates, the black lightning is like a long Hu, directly shot into Ji vast sky with it to the double for seeing eye.
Meanwhile, this fish general demon, deep place the arm that four scales and shells spread densely, also grasped to come over toward the Ji vast sky.
It is cold.Is much a , Zi tooth the Ji vast sky of mouth, endure pain and sufferings in the body, skill Long Yao long knife, put out a life time boxing set all alone, the beginning and this similar to fish demon cross swords face to face right away.Cover with two at treat makeup unfamiliar mainland demon of time often seem to be very seven, each is 1**violent of the demons is facing the time that Long Yao grows knife, don't know why, also usually seem to be very surprised to fear to.
Probably in their soul brandings, ex- several hands of Xuan Yuan of generation hold Long Yao long the knife put~to death to kill this.The scene of unfamiliar mainland demon may remember too much deep.Directly and profoundly printed deep place at their souls, reserved down forever in the life trace of these demons.
Long Yao grows knife knife the light is one Shan, a bunch of the long grass tying blood directly explode to shoot and, that shot into Ji vast sky eyes of black long arc light long grass, drive blood long grass a blunt, the evil spirit arouses to shoot to open right away, the strength of the top affixture also disappear have no Zong.
Put out a life time boxing once the set lift, the voice of billowing sky of thunder spread from it and very few used of thunder strength in the sky with put out a life time boxing the set teed off, the blue thunder in the sky absolutely became to hugely whet dish and bumped shot a while the general demon body is at that fish up.
Listens to one astounding to explode to ring, this whole body the demon of the scales and shell be directly bombed into a burned black by thunder in the sky.The whole body black smoke keeps emitting.
Ji vast sky a foolish, took a look left hand up of put out a life time boxing set.Tooked a look that to become similar coke demon again.Suddenly roared with laughter to get up.Way:"See, these days of thunders kill to harm dint to the demon huge!"
Say so, Ji vast sky Long Yao long knife's pouring is little to use, with this put out a life time boxing set for display strength of medium, give° thunder strength in the sky to display extreme achievement, condense by the side of own body a huge matchless blue thunder in the sky comes out, these days of thunders a suspends by his and set out a thunder net.
Being surprised to shout again is a , the Ji vast sky cautiously sees that blue thunder in the sky, the detection exploitation puts out a life time boxing set the blue thunder in the sky that the coagulation comes out, the internal thunder bellows, the superficial lightning gleams, in addition, in that blue thunder in the sky, unexpectedly still have sparkling a little bit small more than 200ses one Shan one Shan.
At present Ji vast sky's pouring is to be really arrived by the surprise and looking at that blue thunder in the sky in of a little bit small foolish in a short while, suddenly all of full faces are shocked colors.
237s are a little bit small!Is a not much, one is many!
Each blue thunder in the sky that whet dish size in, all have a little bit small 237ses, this and store the acupuncture points amount of the Jing of having the stars inside his body look exactly alike!
Cautiously stare at that blue thunder in the sky in of 237 a little bit small saw and see, he is clear to realize those it's a little bit small and have the star dint of stars.Isn't only this, roll over along with that blue thunder in the sky, those 237s are constantly a little bit small to be also changing a track."Invite to invite unclearly, unexpectedly and he the nebula-like in shape absolute being soul is unanimously uncanny!This is an astonishing detection!
237s are a little bit small, in that blue thunder in the sky present already very magic.Unexpectedly these 237s are a little bit small.Unexpectedly and still is revolving according to the way of the nebula chain soul Shu, this consumedly came from his unexpected happening.
The astonishment still couldn't is that bad,beats by dre pro!
As he is doing not already is scared, the dint of the stars on the sky continuously infuses to note in his body and makes the dint of the stars in his body more and more strong, ready to start up have to deliver, the Ji vast sky starts making use of these strength to coagulate blue again thunder to come out for sky.
One by one of blue thunder in the sky coagulate, each blue thunder in the sky in, all have 237s a little bit small, to the Jing of 237 starses in the acupuncture pointses that should wear inside his body.
Gradually.By the side of his body, start appearing more and more blue thunder for sky, these blue none of thunder in the skies are to onely and greatly but all have a same characteristic, that has the dint of thunder and lightning, thunder in the sky in have the dint of 230 starses.
The geezer affair is still not only these.
Finally, the Ji vast sky discovers the putting out of left hand a life time boxing the set no longer releases blue the thunder comes out for sky, but this time.The Ji vast sky a more astonishing fact happened!
A totally curled up 237 blue by the side of his body, in the unconscious the thunder is for sky.Is a not much, one is many!
237 blue thunder in the sky, each blue thunder in the sky in, all have to order a starlight at 237:00, and stored 237 acupuncture pointses of the Jing of stars inside his body consistent.
What did this explain?Does the imperceptibly but inexorably have a certain in the whole world difficult to understand rule?
The Ji vast sky is startled, have already grown a not real felling.
Calm down, must calm down, why, why those 237 blue thunder in the sky in have 237.Order some starlight.Why do those starlights seem to be according to the way of nebula chain soul Shu to slowly circulate a track.
The nebula chain soul Shu!The nebula chain soul Shu!
Not know seem touch a certain world is profound meaning, suddenly, his soul becomes nebula-like in shape.Slowly revolve a track by the nebula chain soul Shu beginning.
Marvellous variety again took place!
Hang up a ground of fire such as thunder in the sky, assume nebula-like in shape in his soul.And beginning according to nebula chain soul, the track of Shu slowly revolves of time, those 237 blue thunders in the sky that suspend by him but hold still immobility, suddenly move!
Not only moved, those 270 blue thunder in the sky.And 270 hairs in thunder in the sky, order similar!Is similar to the nebula-like in shape soul of Ji vast sky!Revolved by the track of nebula chain soul Shu together!
Suddenly, a soul agrees with of felling, be suffused with to have at his heart bottom"
The heart reads a to move, Ji vast sky soul in be suffused with to have a mind that plays to kill surroundings those demons, this mind together, the whole beginnings were free from him to control.
Those 270.The blue thunder in the sky imitated a Buddha to suddenly live to come over, they flew to go out together.Suddenly become big the scope of activity, those a demons that cast covetous eyes on beside to destroy.
This unfamiliar mainland imitates the source head that the Buddha became a day thunder, endless thunderstorm voice, continue to constantly spread, a .Be pulled into the demon of thunder field, in spite of is the powder body being how strong, all bombed to kill vitality ground bone.
So in a short while effort, declare**the demon of durable pole, then and all changed into the meat piece of burnt paste.
Connect those five vitalities are strong to may compare nine temple private in the sky's terrible demon, here imitate the Buddha can't let up forever of thunderstorm under, also be all bombed into a burnt paste, along with explosion of keep on, those are five severe of demon.Vitality drive a little exhaustion, evil spirit thoroughly the dissipation is between the world, **also became the crud that the black paste sticks.
Cover with thunder to bomb haven't let up down, can in the surroundings of Ji vast sky 100 in inside, in addition to the poisonous origin is outside.Already, "have no a living creature.
All demons of striking, so in a short while the effort was all bombed by thunder in the sky to kill into a residue.
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