
beats by dre studio hd the midnight come ou

Chapter 414 imperial government lends money
Li Qing An returned to a ground leaf for quick[one] month from the river, this month inside, he had been keeping wound quietly at in home, the condition of the injury of left shoulder is in the on the way that he returned to ground leaf again appear again and again, maturation bleed, the condition of the injury had some worsen, return to ground leaf after just discover, he drive that arrows harm physique, luckily the his body is strong just force the anti- live and change a person, shoulder necessarily is physically disabled.
At Anne the west soldier chief military surgeon of under the compulsive order, Li Qing An was forced at in home to take a rest for a month, however also making him taste this month is homely of the joy of warmth and a father.
The sky just was bright, Li Qing An then got up and silently visited two of his kids, 5-month-old daughter and 3-month-old son, two kids slept all nice-smelling sweetly, Li Qing An lightly touched touch his small face, and then the Nie hand Nie feet left and only and perhaps waked up with a start the children's sleeping.
Li Qing An immediately arrives at den, if the poem has already opened a window to pass breeze and put in the vase of table a bunch of open just gorgeous plum flower, seem to be particularly delightfully fresh under the irradiation of the spring day sunlight.
He sat down before table and turned over to deliver in midnight of Anne west miscellaneous report, this is he the habit every day, miscellaneous report always printing in the midnight come out, then immediately deliver to promise that he can see every day.The Anne western miscellaneous report is starting under Li Qing An's designation, follow opening of imperial government a dollar miscellaneous report, is government-operated newspaper, mainly is to publish some military administration important events, also have many Central plains of news, all of these newses are the intelligence report of domestic affairses mansion, choose one from it some don't involve confidential affairs to publish, increase reading.
Though none of a lot of newses is what soldier country important event, Li Qing An still keeps liking to read these fragmentary news, as long as is occurrence at Central plains affair, he has strong interest.
However today make Li Qing An some surprised, last night's miscellaneous report didn't deliver and put table up of still keep being the miscellaneous report in the day before yesterday, he turned over the tea side-table of turning over the flank again, severals report,beats by dre studio hd, besides which, , dided not should deliver last night of miscellaneous report.
"What is the eldest brother seeking?"
If the poem carried a bowl of swallows' nest to walk to come in in quick time and asked a way:"BE seeking a miscellaneous report?"
"Yes!How to have no?"
If the poem puts swallows' nest in Li Qing An's in front and smiles to shake a way:"Did not deliver last night."What is the row?"Li Qing An is a bit careless, even if he not at the ground leaf, the miscellaneous report wills also deliver every day and has never broken and how can had no today.
"I have already let the begonia ask, should have news right away."
She finishes saying, the doorway then rang out reporting of a servant girl report voice, "three madams!"
Is to come back such as the servant girl begonia of poem, if the poem hurriedly opened the door, saw the doorway stand a servant girl, take newspaper that just printed in the hand, Li Qing An's one eye then recognized out, should be the newspaper last night.
"Three madams, masters, the newspaper just just delivered and delivered newspaper a person to say and printed last night all of the good newspaper cancel, this is today four more just open to print, so night."
"That he has to say, why want void?"
The servant girl shakes, "I asked, he didn't know."
Li Qing An once connects newspaper, indeed as expected was a printing to just come out and also floated light Mo joss-stick, he wanted to think and then wrote a piece of note, let such as the poem handed over to servant girl, way:"You give° this Zhang Xiao Wei and let him ask reason."
The servant girl went to, if the poem poured one cup tea again, don't bother him as well and then and silently left, Li Qing An changed a comfortable sitting posture and was drinking tea and reading today's newspaper, the warm sunlight shone on to carry on the back after his and make his left shoulder feel particularly comfortable.Finished seeing Anne of page 1 west governmental affairs, Li Qing An then the habitual ground turn over to arrive page 3, there the noodles then have Chang-an and big Tang everyplace of some news.
Among them, his attention was then attracted to the first news, the prince left spring shop records a matter Zhang Yi take advantage o the night carries on the shoulder a goods pack for company of beard to make money and has already lost convention, is expeled official position at the western city, at underneath still have a , a the officials' wife's selling spring is recognized by husband's associate, shame commits suicide, officials name job not known.
See these two newses, Li Qing An's felling was like to eat a fly similar suffered, his eyebrows is wrinkly to become one regiment, he also hears that the imperial government officials have already done not get salary for three years, but how can to this extent, unexpectedly arrive a wife to spring seller's situation, think necessarily this officials to don't know as well, but in home life of Jie according to unexpectedly force housewife nowhere to turn.
Li Qing An is some to sit not to live, he comes out den yard, at this time, his close Wei Zhang Jie of soldier school comes forward to report a report:"Great commander soldier, I had already checked, was a strict Sir to obstruct a miscellaneous report printing last night, he said that he will come to explain to the great commander soldier."
"Need not he comes to explain, I also want to seek him."
Li Qing An immediately order way:"Prepare wagon for me, I want to go a politics hall."
Very quick wagon arrival, Li Qing An ascended wagon, the wagon is under the tight escort of several hundred close soldiers and open to the politics hall.
Wagon inside, Li Qing An near read a report on the car wall, this is the day before yesterday politics hall deliver of, the imperial government wants to ask Anne the west to lend 1,000,000 dollars, is also 1,000,000 Guan moneys, imperial government of clerk up say, lend money to be mainly used for paying officials' wage owed to anticipate, but Li Qing An is worried that Li Yu will use this money on the military expenses, then didn't immediately promise and needed to consider consideration.
In fact, Li Qing An has already got the detailed circumstance of imperial government public finance receipt and expenditure from the intelligence report of the domestic affairs mansion, the public finance condition of imperial government walks this predicament till today, is also at his anticipate in, can not open a source, don't reduce expenses as well, hear the expenditure of only palace a year will 56100,000 Guans, also need to maintain imperial government daily administration expenses, basically not enough use, Li Yu even still needs to keep 100,000 battalions, last year if not is depend money maintenance in the mansion inside Li Long Ji, his 100,000 battalions early escape light, but money of the mansion in now have no, so all crises then all expose a while.
Li Yu Zhi can beat on the emperor close country Qi body now, otherwise he cook however April.The wagon become a to bend and joined the government the side door of matter into Li Qing An of dynasty building, from a certain meaning came up to say, Li Qing where the house took a rest for a month, is also want personally have a look, oneself not at Anne west the operation circumstance of the governmental affairs, as a result made him very satisfied, Anne west the governmental affairs revolved very steady, in fact Anne west governmental affairs also according to three saved six set systems to establish, mutual check and balance, collectively decision, particularly the river west marched to take charge of Ma Pei Mian and judge Du Hong gradually and waited on more than 20 rivers of imperial censor Cui Yi etc.s west and Long right important officials after coming to Anne the west consumedly strengthened the governmental affairs ability of the west of Anne, on the history, Pei Mian and Du Hong gradually, all of Liu Yan et als is in disorderly Anne's histories after expect of imperial government pillar beam, possess upright reputation, fight them maybe not go, but handle governmental affairs, he has abundant experience.
Li Qing An walks into own dynasty building, although he not at, still clean up cleanly, spotless, he just sit down, strict Chuang then took a miscellaneous report walk come in.
"Does the great commander soldier want this newspaper?Printed a half last night, had already been stopped by me."
"Go fetch me to see!"
Li Qing An once connected newspaper to ask a way:"Why to want to stop?"
"Because the noodles has a news to relate to great commander soldier here, I feel to printout come not satisfactory, then stop, on page 3."
Page 3 woulds be big hinterland Tang's news, Li Qing's safety hit opened page 3, and the strict Chuang pointed at a front page news way:"Is this matter!"
Sees the headlines news write, 'Wei south county 30 landlords and several hundred tenant-like in shape tell Huo of the family slave of princess Guo with is lower than the price of market price 60% strong have 300 just good farm.'
'Wei south county?'
Li Qing An suddenly thinks of his/her own manor also at Wei south county, relate to oneself,mean own manor?He continues to see downward, in the news in the center, indeed as expected see his name, 'drive strong have of 300 include Anne in the land just west the stanza degree make, Zhao Wang's his highness of 40 just always industry farmland.'
"What?This Huo husband Guo's lord dare be strong to have my landed property!"The Nu way of Li Qing An, this Huo husband Guo's lord unexpectedly doesn't put him in the eye.
"Great commander soldier, I estimate that princess Guo of this Huo really don't know has your landed property among them and otherwise gives her 100 courages doesn't dare also, what I said isn't this problem."
"What problem is that ?"
Li Qing An feels very strange, this news has no what, nothing but give Li Yu Yi the object for starting, does this have what relation with oneself?
"Great commander soldier says on the miscellaneous report, 40 acres of the landed property is a great commander soldier of always industry farmland, can great commander soldier of 100 just always industry farmland all at Anne west, this is at politics hall publicly hang, if the miscellaneous report is spread, everyone will think that the great commander soldier is in Anne's west to more have 40 just always industry farmland, the fame for willing influence a great commander soldier."
"This....."This Lee celebrates Anne to really have no in consideration of, actually those 4,000 acres of lands are what Li Long Ji appreciates hims, also have no to say clearly to is an industry farmland always, he didn't put those lands in the mind, just although because Huo princess Guo is strong to have his/her own land but get mad, that however the face problem is as irrelevant as land, it is seriously that the luckily strict Chuang heart is thin, otherwise will injure his fame to pour, he determinedly opposes a land annex in Anne's west.
Thought of this, Li Qing An gratefully smiled to smile to the strict Chuang, way:"Luckily you, I unexpectedly didn't thought of, however that landed property not is my industry farmland always, what Li department mount the throne is the job cent farmland, physically even the job divides a farmland also not BE, is the property that Li Long Ji appreciates me, I the industry farmland at the earliest stage be always pulling out Huan city, 100 acre, also not know now how."
See Li Qing An set aside this matter, the strict Chuang trusted, short cut:"How to see Huo princess Guo be told one matter that great commander soldier?"
"Does this still use to ask?Li Yu already be quickly forced by money crazy, at the right moment the Huo princess Guo's affair comes out, Li Yu by all means will take this matter to do an article and take this husband's lord to have operation, from she there shelled a little money food to come out, however the affair wasn't that he thought so and in brief, he thought that princess Guo of Huo had no business to have no power, can let him beat whole, can actually, meeting many people to protect her, include Li Long Ji, there are even also those place fans king, they will exert pressure to Li Yu."
"If does Li Yu use to protect the great commander soldier landed property name?Use the criminal charges of infringing upon the prince, this will pass on the public wrath to the great commander soldier in the body, it is Anne to let everyone think the west stanza degree to make Li Qing where and behind exert pressure."
Li Qing An orders to say with smile:"He probably wills does like this and do shield with me, however the other people aren't a simpleton either, see him have to attain this case what extent, if just consider the case as it stands, those 300 just the land back, again killed so-called family slave, so probably the other people will think is that I exert pressure, also no one meeting probe, can if he wants princess Duo Huo Guo's food and copies the Huo princess Guo's patrimony, you looking at!Result's perhapsing connects Li Yu by himself/herself is surprisingly."
At this time, the bodyguard comes to report, "great commander soldier, often the mansion made to come."
"Please come in!"A short moment often enters to in a hurry walk to come in and salutes a way to the Gong body of Li Qing An:"Pay respects to a great commander soldier."
Often enter to still keep serving as a domestic affairs mansion to make, take charge of the intelligence report system of Anne's west, directly be responsible for Li Qing An, domestic affairs mansion not only the number is numerous, and built up perfect intelligence report to deliver a network, with fly pigeon for rely on, even if being the intelligence report that is far in Guangzhou can also pass to fly a pigeon to spread into a ground leaf.
"I want to know, the informer in the temple has how much make progress?"
Often enter to hurriedly answer a way:"Report back a great commander soldier, we cost 20,000 dollars, successively celebrated a temple to bribe 60 maid-in-waiting and eunuches who have a certain position in the greatly clear temple and the interest and had already got intelligence report."
Say, the often enterprising a spool of pigeon letter passes to Li Qing An, way:"This is deliver this morning, the saint explored to hope Li long Ji to take place antinomy, mainly because the Huo is an one matter of princess Guo, moreover, Li Long Ji requests saint up use Anne to celebrate religion to go to with Anne the Lu mountain exchange a western cool king, but saint up seem don't respond, Anne's celebratesing religion is still kept under house arrest Lu mountain at Anne of inside the mansion house."
Li Qing An finishes seeing pigeon letter and say with smile to the strict Chuang:"See to Li Long Ji is more unwilling than lonesome."
The strict Chuang point nods a way:"This in fact can comprehend, he did more than 40 years of emperor and had already become accustomed to into high highest emperor life king and suddenly lost everything now, and Li Yu still keeps mounting the throne without authorization, he how probably pleased, how be probably sweeter than lonesome, if I didn't guess wrong, Li Long Ji definitely restores monarchy of strive for to calculate."
"Seem Chang-an want again noisy, I poured to really think to have a look."
Make reference to this, Li Qing An to often enter a way:"The supervision wanted to strengthen a rightness Chang-an, I will give you a detailed list and want to keep watch on their each and every moves to the person of detailed list."
"Belonged to Zun to make!"
Often carried on a gift to just want to walk, but Li Qing An called to live him and said with smile:"Often the mansion makes when become so impatient, I today seek the proper business feeling that you come haven't said!"
"Is ashamed!"
Often enter ashamedly the head of Nao Nao, and then come back from walking, "invite a great commander soldier order."
Li Qing An contemplated a short moment, short cut:"There are three affairs, the first is the hand that increases Chang-an, pass in everywhere and the strength of the Luo sun all concentrate to arrive Chang-an;The second is the safe protection that strengthens a pure temple of China, I estimate that Li Yu will cut down a pure temple of China of expenditure, but we want to promise that the imperial concubine's daily expenditure costs, moreover, only the Gu house also wants to send a specially assigned protection;The third matter is an order Anne the western cabinet shop give relief to the officials of home narrow circumstances, consider as far as possible a little bit more detailed and complete, don't take care of what faction, even if Yang Guo Zhong's inferiority also wants to give relief to, tell they, my Li Qing An has been being concerning them."
Make reference to this, Li Qing An and then to the strict Chuang way:"You tell Wang Chang Shi and let him deliver a text to the imperial government, the imperial government wants to want to lend 1,000,000 dollars, can, use the person head of Meng cloud and Luo's justice to change."
The strict Chuang wants to walk, on turning to read, Li Qing An's short cut:"You please Wang Chang Shi, still I come to tell him in person."
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