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Is a secluded mountain village, just so a make track for a to escape of, have already seen and then got into downtown, the car and others of road is also many to get up, the car of flying of Yang Hua Wei opens fire, and soft lie prone of rush and swerve about madly, arouse a burst of of surprised shout to rush about, someone's car often drive soft lie prone the direct head of bumps, the car disintegrates an explosion on the spot, as for person, directly drive soft lie prone the strong momentum bumps can not distinguish where is a head, which is feet.
"I just just finish saying, you make so big action of, a day inside two."Flying of behind car inside, Wang Peng flies to embrace head to shout loudly, have to again take out a telephone.
"Ao…………"Is soft and lie prone and send out one strange call, on jilting a hand, small full is like a shell medicine kind to roar and shout be thrown and go out, immediately after, soft lie prone and stretch hand and hold tight one and trample a brake, trail the sedan that the burnt smelly thick smoke hurtles, jilt a hand and throw car toward the air, Yang Hua Wei is being placed in low altitude flight at this time, soft lie prone and completely have the ability the sedan for weighing a ton and throw the air of 100 meters.
Just the flash across flies shoot since then of sedan, behind again followed one big piece rock, Yang Hua Wei also can not consider of in that sedan exclaim of driver and passenger, controled fly car to ground firm go, one bombing falls to the ground, a feet then flew Chuai in the car door, person also close behind hurtled out, big pistol also raise, towarded 100 meters open outside of soft lie prone open fire.
Looking at that Be soft to lie prone with what oneself looked exactly alike, Yang Hua Wei has a kind of and the illusion of do-it-yourself war, the bullet beats in soft lie prone of send out to burst in body of voice, soft the body lying prone was really too soft, the bullet directly wore a body but led and left a hole of, not only didn't depend for him what hurt, on the contrary wear a body but lead of the warhead keep power and harm to many innocent people.
"The person being soft to lie prone a half monster?No wonder that."Yang Hua Wei is cold to hum 1, laid up big pistol, stretched hand to pull out saber, jumped up to rush toward up.
"Ao ……" is soft to lie prone to again shout at top of voice, rib side and empress carry on the back even front the chest all living a root finger sort thick such as whip son similar thing to Yang Hua Wei's book.
Yang Hua Wei blue long grass before the body is one Shan, cut off book meat whip for coming up, the person is also blunt near soft lie prone of before the body, a knife sliced in its neck, the large head kept on dropping and fell to turn to do one to glue liquid similar thing in the ground, soft lay prone to back an one step, a feet trampled up and was stained with a liquid to glue feet and then integrated into among the body, although was soft to lie prone to have no head, but still move freely, the momentary unexpectedly beat with Yang Hua Wei equal strength, the meat whip jilts Pa Pa to do ring.
Is soft person's the only vital part lying prone a half monster is the evil crystal position of head, however this is soft to lie prone a monster the most difficult the place finding out is a head, because it can put the head to the whichever place, and still move of, unless chase he deep-fried become up to thousand, always have a cake of the position that is a head.
A deep and low roaring cry, soft lie prone of body up stretch out several arms, Pa Pa of grasped in Yang Hua Wei's body, push Yang Hua Wei to rush to go forward, 1 bomb, crash into a truck that right against the face hurtles up, directly and then bumped the car head of that truck to wear past, start to fly a ground of spare parts.
Bang, Yang Hua Wei is pushed the ditch of going into the wayside inside, looking at station to wildly roar on the highway not only soft lie prone, the Yang Hua Wei momentary is a little bit hard to believe his/her own eyes, soft lie prone a half monster person because of this kind of characteristic, till 500 years empress didn't be eliminated, but soft after 500 years lie prone also have no at present this is soft to lie prone a half monster person so strong strength, at present this is soft the strength lying prone is good enough to attain eight classes, almost want to hold with Yang Hua Wei even, this basically impossible affair.

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Yang Hua Wei opens mouth to send out a wildly roar, roaring cry earthquake surrounding ten innocent strangers fall down in the ground in succession, ear in already run off blood come.
Yang Hua Wei's hands at after death on clapping, suddenly played, kept toward the road of soft lay prone to rush toward in the past, the Yi wore a white tooth of one mouthful be like want to bite a person, the one punch of Dong was failed in the past,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, will soft the belly lying prone hit a big hole, the hand once wore as well soft lie prone of body, again to horizontal in make an effort, one of Si livings rare of will pliant and tough and hundred percent soft lie prone body to pull up a Huo, but soft lie prone but hand a stretched to tie up in Yang Hua Wei's neck, also don't wait to make an effort, the blue long grass is one Shan, the saber sliced down the arm that ties up in the neck.
"Leave of is all false forever."Yang Hua Wei is cold to hum, a grasp the be like to have no head bang that was similar person soft to lie prone Lun to get up bang of hit, hit fly indiscriminately on asphalt piece of highway.
Suddenly, Yang Hua Wei a while Lun is empty, oneself almost falls down on the highway and see a hand again up, grasps a small piece shoulders, but soft lie prone is throwing a piece of body, lent Yang Hua Wei's this Lun of the dint arrived air, the rib livings a pair of wings to float to fly to the distance but go, keep to decline to the city.
"……" Yang Hua Wei shouts at top of voice, hand ascend remnants once the body throw and take out a gun, part to empty the gunning simultaneously made track for up, Yang Hua Wei lifts up head to rush, basically don't see road, one bombing bumped into among a building, formerly the head bump into and bomb at a stretch bumped to wear more than ten walls drilled out from another side and presented line straight of to soft lie prone to make track for.
"Finished finishing, again is on sitting building, finish, so many people see, also let I how ending of affair."Wang Peng flies heel behind spirit keep clapping steer device, however heart bottom also loudly appeal to the public to satisfy, the this kind of method of Yang Hua Wei just calls a real man, this is the man's strength.
Soft lie prone just got off the ground glide several times, again on the ground lent dint want at the time that Zong rose, Yang Hua Wei already make track for up, jump up jump a button up soft lie prone of feet, an it drag along down, going up the Dong Dong be several ten boxings, the fist beats a big slice of of boxing shadow, even the fist beats too quickly, send out supersonic speed just may the sound appearing explode a voice, the speed of the fist too quick, even air all spark, send out a slip away of light of fire, be like outflowed a star to once row atmosphere for numerous skies.
Yang Hua Wei is several ten ascend 100 boxings for an instant will soft lie prone a dozen flat next go, the fist seems to have to do to use this time, soft lie prone to present a round flat cake-like in shape stand on the ground, the along while also has no action, Yang Hua Wei this just at last stood, but in the surroundings, become speechless crowd is big cluster of, Yang Hua Wei shook to shake head, just wanted that notifying that Wang Peng flies down to make this lying prone lane to walk to send to a certain graduate school is soft to go, caky soft lie prone on the ground suddenly even fly, cover to Yang Hua Wei, the blue long grass on the Yang Hua Wei's hand twinkles, Si of a this a round flat cake-like in shape intention plans lawless acts of soft lie prone to row two halfs, a globosity thing one Shan but lead, but still stay to have a pit of football size on the ground, this guy unexpectedly at just of among the stroke hid the head.
Be rowed into two slices of the halfs that is soft and lie prone body, and then match together, turn 1 that do general thing of liquid's bomb bump break a watering well cover drill into sewer inside, Yang Hua Wei which can so easy of pass him, take out two blue explosives to start to press explode a machine and then threw into sewer inside, bomb of a , blue of among the light waves, the street is brought about several ten meters grow of a slip away, pounding at the wave didn't°yet stop, Yang Hua Wei again fling out go to two, again is several ten meters long be lifted, soft lie prone very flat body be also lifted out, certainly serious of the result is that foot's hasing several meters is spread to and die unnatural death, but Yang Hua Wei in nowadays also can not take into account of so many thin, if always fold hands so bunch feet of, sooner or later will result in larger trouble, also rather now have sacrifice, with monster the person does a war, how may a little sacrifice all have no.
Is soft and lie prone and seem be been frightened to death, after body half opens together, is like a caterpillar similar a stretch a to shrink of hurtled into crowd inside, is like a flash of lightning's one Shan to slip away to go to the distance, be like turn to do a to slip away water line of soft lay prone to once wear the person's body, left a human body up a foot have the one punches much thick hole, those body up be worn of the men and women of bore still is rushing, keep running a several ten meters to far go a head of to just carry to pour on the ground.
Yang Hua Wei has no time to save a person, he doesn't want to save a person as well and early catches a monster person for a day or blocks up person of monster to return to, Related articles:

