
Beats By Dr Dre Studio meone's sneak attack

Shake head, this how all can't the another person believe of conclusion.
Others all because their 2 people wants to begin and soon stops confabulation, sword Yi to he certainly is don't worry what, what she worried BE, this seven childes don't want not and know somehow, otherwise can the result hardly tidy up.
Seven childes started regretting, from Luo easy that "please" once the word export, he knows that today there is no good fruit waiting him, but the person whom he isn't a to easily concede defeat.

The text chapter 19 has no wild war(bottom)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:12:37 chapter word numbers:6262

Luo stands easily and very at will present medium, since the arrogant that didn't imagine medium strain as well as seem to be not to put other people in the eye, in his eyes, regardless is what person, want ~only for a day in lake at the river, he has no reason to despise a whichever person, who all don't know that the opponent when changes very strongly.Is also this principle, become him life creed.
Seven childes are a person who acts a parties, although temporarily drive Luo the easy variety frightenned a little bit to dare not believe he or she to seek one so severe opponent, can he still has a little not believe, after all haven't begun, who also not know that how result is.
2 people square off very long, who don't also make moves of meaning.Luo is easily to don't want to make moves first, while seven childes then have a headache desperately, he certainly wants to make moves first, can where seek of continuously strengthen along with the Luo easy vehemence to the opportunity for making moves, he also has to for dear lifely promote his own true spirit, the sum Cape has already unclearly started seeing sweat, a pair of naked four shoot of eyes, continuously at Luo easy body upper stream Yi.He knows to go under etc. again, don't the other people begin, he wanted to hurt by himself.
His of course not is pleased.
Suddenly, a burst of strong breeze curls up circumferential air and easily pressed toward Luo past, seven childes made moves!
But very strange, he this Zhang as if superlative poetic art, not is beat easy toward Luo, but press to unreal, have no the vestige can look for a sort, slow speed make moves, the another person is hard to imagine.Be so slow speed to make moves and seem, Luo is easily and very value.
Just turning a moment is this to turn a moment, seven childes Zhang power continuously of variety, change an angle each time, speed all in the increment, but the current of air aroused is gradually sturdy, but in the outsider eyes, however is a knife light one Shan is just.
Luo easily and suddenly discovers that he or she was incredibly certainly and completely covered with by the Zhang, then is avoid, seeming to be also to change impossibly.He cannoted help but "Yi" a , this absolutely is that he meets tallest of clear on recruiting, don't say that how capability is, list is so on recruiting, he knows this seven childes it's very remarkable.
Can this is also difficult to not pour him, although he temporarily hasn't thoughted of how crack, can he still keeps hasing to rely on, this is just momentary thinking, seven childes Zhang power is on the tip of at present, he wants to don't think as well, once the palm stretch and simply answered to come over.
Suddenly and suddenly and violently rise the ray of light of an amazement in seven childe's eyeses, this Zhang he know farely well by himself, is a coagulating of oneself whole life capability, a grandpa don't dare to say as well hard under the sistuation that have no preparation connect one Zhang, can see this boy seem to think hard connect one Zhang.But he doesn't have the meaning for taking back and connect true spirit didn't take back, the corner of mouth is anti- to pour to be suffused with to have sneer, be really killed this guy, believed also have no important event, much less, there is grandpa and spreading of water cloud Zhai person, this guy can die return two say.
"Show leniency!"The sword Yi sees their 2 people incredibly a come up be fight force with force, greatly worried under the heart, she doesn't hope what loss the friend that see teacher has.
The leaf non- Yun still thinks that is he to make his own grandson show leniency, therefore sets up for what didn't hear more of appearance, a hope two people in the field very nervously.
Luo easily originally thought a precept to this boy and made moves a little importance all had no, can the voice of sword Yi be really in time, his pubic region really annoys a to shrink, 50% really spirit flowed out to go out.
The foot the slightest didn't change, he felt his own palm one earthquake, true spirit incredibly a burst of rock, seemed to be subjected to serious stroke.He is greatly shocked under the heart, hurriedly mobilize pubic region true spirit, one is wild of true the spirit be suddenly free from control of flowed out out.
He is suddenly greatly shocked, call a way in:"Move out of the way!"
Seven childes are incredibly and very obedient this time, the body elephant is what things played to open, flies high backward but go, in the sky turned over several and head in a row.Can sword Yi and leaf the non- Yun knew naturally is what happened, Luo easily makes moves of moment, that seven childes Zhang power became yesterday Huang Hua, a compare he of Zhang power more the geezer really annoy only is for an instant, let the advantage that him builds up be missing.
The taste of leaf non- Yun will never be that he just saw Luo easy that kind of, he although have no on seeing a depth with easy Luo, that isn't his taste don't come home, but Luo easily and too magic.
See seven childes be flown by a Zhang shot, he heart first time the fire rise and deeply humed a , the facing sword Yi way:"The good heart machine of the young lady's friend!"
Sword Yi where have time to realize him to say what, this old guy will never dare to do to her what, but Luo is easily different.
Luo easily and suddenly feels own of the true spirit be free from a control, but he isn't for the first time to experience this circumstance, after sending out to warn toward seven childes, once the palm turn over, a Zhang hit in the ground of in front.
Around feel a burst ofly move mountain to shake, the deafening voice is resounded ear, the dust floats in the sky of air, and is hard to discover any thing.
But the sword Yi still keeps feeling have a little different.
"The good effort of Luo's childe, old and useless person not just, ask 12!"Leaf the voice of the non- Yun rang to get up in good time, can incredibly not at her nearby.
Her at heart an earthquake, the body disappears to gesticulate, the Jiao Teng gets empty but rises, can still night in a flash.
Luo easy one Zhang shot is solid, at heart a loose, the heart starting to drop put down, can he hasn't come yet and rejoice oneself didn't harm what person, suddenly feel own air current with a burst of and slight back, is greatly surprised, he absolutely has never thoughted of meeting someone's sneak attack, but still instinct of to left on moving, light tinily change Huan two times.
One Zhang lightning flash the sort brushed past his before the chest, the Zhang breeze pared off to walk he the clothes before the chest, the nipping true spirit once rowed two profound traces in his chest, the blood was in fine threads flow bottom.But his some ways all have no, the pubic region elephant is allto suddenly want to go on strike genery, all can not lift up true spirit at 1:00.He doubts whether himself/herself suddenly lost fighting skill.
The leaf non- Yun isn't the life that really wanted him either, want to order precept for him on, in his eyes, this boy really had a little not to know a depth, at his in home, incredibly make his grandson difficult on making moves to see, the accomplishments of some condescension all have no.
He criticizes other people, actually is to seek a reason for beginning for oneself, this guy sees seven childes of his grandson just on recruiting, keep on hurting, in really feel timid in the heart, he can never so strong felling.
Luo easily drive he one Zhang harm, this time, the dust gradually fell down.
Leaf the non- Yun is very whole is sat with Xia chair up, the noodles is expressionless the Yi lookinging at sword was as easy as Luo, imitated a Buddha to just begin of isn't that he is general.
Luo easily still thinks that he or she is dreaming, can the chest get empty a burst of cold breeze blew to come in, ferocious mien in heart together, a cold fierce fury suddenly fled, the pubic region elephant is to will be burned a sort, peculiar true spirit madness of flow out toward the pubic region, he feels the good elephant is to lead so long ago for a century, but actually is just momentary of affair.
Sword Yi one face anxiously walks to his front of, caressing of matchless gentleness his before the chest, asking a way of concern:"How, get hurt,Beats By Dr Dre Studio!"
Luo is easily at present a black, almost drive she this nonsense action harmed to die.The true spirit incredibly starts circulating according to the route of 《ground unreal 》 in his body, he absolutely can't thought of, always, he worries most of is a being free from of true spirit control, seemed now variety.
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