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, The just not big short while has more than ten areas again outside sky of evil surrounded to fly shuttle.Lin Tian also has no this time polite, the absolute being reads a spool of accepted in to know sea again these.
This time he after doing not be like last time and so and urgently wearing to absorb more than ten evil heads all, but absorbing 12 first to let these understand occurrence what affair make track for the is full to know sea of fly indiscriminately, forcing them has to match a body.In the middle of passing by a to turn over to pursue result however knowing sea again appear three astral bodies, this time although Lin Tian has an observation, but still have never analyzed know becoming of a few astral bodies because of.
The success and failure always tightly accompanies with.Lin Tian who has already become accustomed to test medium failure has no to this the slightest low-spirited.Hence he got into a kind and forced it to match a body after drawing on an evil head first, then catching and carried on an observation, then drew on the status of evil head, thus circulated an interest not.
Time continuously runs off from the devoting one's minding at Lin Tian research.He has already canned not remembered he this is how much time draw on an evil head to come over.Is almost each to lead for more than 10 minutes, he will re- succeed in catching some evil heads, he gobbles up for this period of time of the evil head then have already canned not reckon how many.Finally, he peeped a silk to carry seedling from the varieties that match a body.
"Work properly sub- structure because of moment of direct to bump but change into moreover a kind of appearance?This suitable and particular energy re- combines, but can not replace with other energies.So be say in a certain layer to come up to say that the common energy is to can not directly convert and soul same energy.However just this kind of particular energy I can also come out through change but transformation and only want to in great quantities create to perhaps need many materials."Lin Tian Du Rang writes to say.
Waves hand just after seeing his Nao the Nao head wanted to want a recruit.Sees glory one Shan a transparent soul appear at he of before the body.This soul has a liking for to go to completely similar to the soul of the common run of people.Is a look 20 many year old of the appearance of young man.Connect the clothes that the astral body changes magically all clear it is thus clear that.Just the whole astral body opens very foolish, have no the slightest of animation.It is like a puppet that is come out by creation.
"Boon, shape and all essentially and common of the astral body is completely similar, however completely have no common astral body that vivid consciousness.Is alas, where exactly in come amiss."Looking at be in the moment created by oneself of soul Lin Tian is obviously dissatisfied with his/her own work.He is distress ground of to clap to clap forehead to think a way.
"Calculate, since can not directly to astral body infusion consciously words that can depend him to slowly toughen by himself.Estimate while being born soul be so ground."Temporarily really can not figure out Lin Tian of good way to helplessly think a way.
Immediately after he takes out several kinds to fix true material from keep the thing ring, left hand light of fire one Shan one took tiny thin aureate white flame to burn.Lin Tian has never hard once done magic weapon any further already after did for the person of bitterness way seven star sword.First, the a great deal of magic weapons done by him before have already aroused many people jealous, is a Du blood such of front door parties ground Zong Zhu all ever talk over the business of help creation magic weapon with him.But toward Lin Tian to intentionally open true material of that fixing of sea quantity of the list is a Du blood to have to cancel this mind, either, if really gather together together those materials even if is create afraid of Xuan heart of much more outstanding best magic weapon to believe in to go up and down hereafter all near beg for rice to live.For the sake of little arouse to fix true boundary of those eyes are red of and the rabbit similarly fix the attention of true.He this period of time as far as possible the decrease appear number of times.Create best magic weapon this kind of special and spectacularly matter certainly is also would not like to do.
At this time is in the space, Lin Tian certainly need not worry to be discovered.He intends that the first psyche that is made by he makes a body this time.And is numerous Huan Weis to make a machine health condition different, because this psyche don't have independent consciousness.And Lin Tian hope that he or she of its ability grows up.So he decides to use to fix traditional producer of true boundary accidentally in creating bodily method of method.After all fix although the true boundary becomes to the psyche ground because of although don't know, but for its exploitation but have been already studied very very clear.
A piece of piece of best mineral threw in in the flame of left hand, various material was melted after refining the impurities by the fire of pure sun and blend together.The puppet person accidentally does to make not difficult, just in brief do to make all right.However Lin Tian still keeps getting a brainwave and joined in this body several tens he curses Shu the meeting ground thou, so this person accidentally although the body isn't true, but on the breathing and true person just like, even if is a superior if not and cautiously probing can not also realize.
Just a short while.A palm size's imitating a transparent crystal carvings of Buddha but becoming ground mean person has already taken shape a form.This little crystal person is done of lifelike, connect feature and facial features even are that the plait of clothes Be wrinkly to all meticulously depicts.The fist that wanted to think that Lin Tian takes out a minor point of conduct to be suffused with tiny shimmer China again behind small best jade, use the fire of pure sun continuous bright burn this jade, until it becomes a jade stick of small like thumb tack size to just stop.
Satisfaction of took a look own work, Lin Tian stretches hand a to recruit after ordering nod.The soul that sees that foolish to stand in the unreal immediately flies to go into his hand of that imitates general jade stick of Buddha thumb tack in.The head of crystal mean person that sees him caution that jade stick with hand after blending together just breath a sigh of relief.
Go toward mean person in the ground of operating the room on throwing, immediately that mean person in the sky and quickly rises to greatly get up and while falling to the ground, have already become eights a per meter, with true person just like of young man.The western dress that sees this young man being dressed in whole body black.The noodles being handsome but cold permits to make all girls crary.Just whole personal face facial expression is generally very boring, there is no a little shape, have a liking for to be like 1 to carve.
"Is alas, seeing to can release for him first some in brief orderanied, as long as backlog enough data behind produce certain ego consciousness and then should be able to slowly grow up."See the person whom oneself is accidentally that boring facial expression distress behind of say.The person at this time accidentally of soul although and having no of the common run of people dissimilarity.But care to know last but completely is a part blank, connect the most basic instincts all have no.After all even if is an infant have been already cried as well and hungry instinct, but this person accidentally is someone to take knife to chop down him perhaps he can't not rise a dodgy mind.This and a set even the most basic core procedures all have no of the calculator is then similar, only continuously put into the data and the procedure can let a calculator processing complicated information.
The core part that flies shuttle designs of the time is a single of, stood more at this time a person to immediately seem to be some to hustle.The tooking a look after own work Lin Tian accidentally descended to this puppet person fixs to do by himself/herself of instruction.After combining detailed inflexible rule method and step of self-discipline just once again a beckon with the hand.That puppet person re- changes meeting the little crystal person's image empress drive his income keep a thing ring in.
Even now.Suddenly Lin Tian feels the whole one earthquake with very tiny shuttle of flying, have been stopping down in the flying of flight shuttle of hasty Chi.
"Lord up.We have already arrived!"Flew to spread the voice that the thou works properly leader Zhao Qian Shan in the converse system of shuttle.
"Is so quick!?We used all long-term,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre?"Lin Tian's a surprised Leng says behind.All flights from fly shuttle to complete by himself/herself of, unless what can not solve of matter, otherwise the thou works properly can't come to bother Lin Tian.But Lin Tian's these days of insides then sink to immerse in the research of quest soul profound mystery, outward the passage of boundary time then completely neglected.Just he has never realized he by himself this time manufacturing the action of the soul is how astonishing, is paying no attention a piece, he already complete an almost God-man just can accomplish of affair.Although this astonishing heroic act temporarily looks to have no to him what use, can just build some soul with general the common run of people, but to he later of development but have the function to can not estimate.
"Lord up, we altogether at too inflight 21 day.The energy isn't enough, so the road of first half flies shuttle always in the absorption and adds energy, so we used than anticipate most to still outrun for three days for a long time."Zhao Qian Shan's voice rings once again Related articles:

